Saturday, January 8, 2011


Oops!  I didn't even realize that I had forgotten to post yesterday, so today's post is extra long, you lucky duckies you!
Think about this:  you're inside your home, looking outside at new snow falling- lots of it!  You might say to yourself," Oh crap!  It's going to be a mess to drive in!"  OR  you might say, "Look how beautiful it is!  Looks like a picture postcard!"  Same event, different attitude.
The same  holds true of loss.  I have two examples.  The first:  When Princess Diana was getting a divorce, Sir Robert Fellowes, the Queen's private secretary said to Diana:  "I wanted to ring just to say good luck for this difficult day ahead.  It is a tragic end to a wonderful story." Lady Diana's response: "Oh no!  It's the beginning of a new chapter.  And remember, Robert, I do still love my husband.  That will never change."  Look how she CHOSE to interpret her loss!
Another example is with Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter.  After Mr. Carter's defeat in 1980, he said, "Once I was convinced, correctly or not, that we had done our best, then it was easier to move on to other things."  Mrs. Carter said, "We had done all we could, and somehow, it had not been enough."
It's up to you to decide your own path.


  1. I love that you are posting every day! Very cool! Love all these little anecdotes! Its really great! Great job ma!

  2. Thanks so much, Son!! Really appreciate your enthusiasm! Love you!


About Me

Dallas, TX, United States
I am an educator and consultant, in the field of loss and grief. I love educating others, as well as learning from them, about life's little and big, happy and sad losses: marriage, divorce, moving away, losing one's health, aging gracefully.....or not......death of a loved one, a pet, a dream, children growing up and parents having to let go, etc. etc. Hopefully, you get the picture. Let's laugh, cry and learn together!

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