Monday, January 17, 2011


This story that dear Morrie once told is self-explanatory:
"There's this little wave, this he-wave, who's bobbing up and down, off the shore, bobbing up and down on the ocean, having a great time, and all of a sudden he recognizes he's going to crash into the shore..... and he'll get annihilated.  And he gets so despairing, 'My G-d, what's going to happen to me?'  and he's got this sour, despairing look on his face.  Along comes a female wave, bobbing up and down, having a great time.  And the female wave says to the male wave, 'Why are you so depressed?' The male says, 'You don't understand.  You're going to crash into the shore and you'll be nothing.'  She says, 'You don't understand.  You're not a wave, you're part of the ocean.' "

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About Me

Dallas, TX, United States
I am an educator and consultant, in the field of loss and grief. I love educating others, as well as learning from them, about life's little and big, happy and sad losses: marriage, divorce, moving away, losing one's health, aging gracefully.....or not......death of a loved one, a pet, a dream, children growing up and parents having to let go, etc. etc. Hopefully, you get the picture. Let's laugh, cry and learn together!

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