Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I've never been a trend follower.  Ever!  But my mother was.  The sentence I most remember her using on me throughout my life was:  "This is what they're wearing now."  And I would always counter with one of two responses:  "Who is 'they'?" and /or "Who cares??"  (There's a reason that I am the sibling with the label, "rebel!")  But really, I wasn't trying to be a rebel, but rather just true to myself.  Why would I want to look like everyone else??  So, when I found this quote in a new book of mine, I just had to use one of its' quotes from an unknown author:
" Embrace your uniqueness.  Time is much too short to be living someone else's life."

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About Me

Dallas, TX, United States
I am an educator and consultant, in the field of loss and grief. I love educating others, as well as learning from them, about life's little and big, happy and sad losses: marriage, divorce, moving away, losing one's health, aging gracefully.....or not......death of a loved one, a pet, a dream, children growing up and parents having to let go, etc. etc. Hopefully, you get the picture. Let's laugh, cry and learn together!