I am writing this in early January, 2021, as I reflect back on 2020. I never thought I would:
1. Miss out on the births and early, (quickly) changing months of life of two grandchildren. (so long awaited)
2. Miss getting on a plane. (wasn't a fan. I was a homebody.)
3. Miss grocery shopping (hated it before!)
4. Switch to eating mainly a plant based diet, thanks to Purple Carrot (highly recommend). I guess I am now a "flexitarian."
5. Eat, let alone, love tofu! (would never touch the stuff. Now, I eat it twice a week!)
6. Not go the gym on a daily basis, as I had for 29 years!
7. Not get a manicure or pedicure for 10 months (or more?)
8. Take hugs for granted.
9. Take restaurant dining and meeting friends for coffee for granted.
10. Miss getting to wear my "normal" clothes and shoes.
11. Miss seeing my jewelry (have started wearing it now, so that I can see it!)
12. Miss "playing" at Ulta and indulging, especially at sale time.
13. Have to cross the street when I saw someone coming close to me.
14. Have to wear a mask in public-EVER!
15. Only be able to see people's eyes and not their full faces.
16. Witness the elimination of funerals, gatherings and physical contact after loved ones die.
17. Be busier and more involved with grief and loss now than when I was fully working.
18. Hear now much kids and their parents want schools to open (remember how they used to all look forward to vacations?)
19. "Attend" so many more events, exhibits and concerts online than I would have in person.
20. Finally, and most importantly, live in a period of time where there are food lines, maxed out hospitals and funeral homes having to bring in trucks to house dead bodies, doctors and nurses caring for patients (without protective equipment) and then having to live in separate quarters in their own homes to protect their families, families that can't be with their elderly relatives and grandparents, people dying alone, having so many of our everyday freedoms taken away, spending so many holidays alone, away from family.
This is my list (thus far). What's on yours?