Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I was talking on the phone yesterday to my best bud from high school. We only chat about every 4 months or so, but when we do, well, her husband said it best when he answered the phone:  "I'll go get her and some iced tea, because she's going to be sitting on the porch for an hour!"  I love how we can just pick up wherever we left off, so many months prior!  I know this is rare.
   Something even more rare is what she commented upon:  I am the only one of her friends (we live in different states) that still has both parents alive and well!  I never thought of that!  Come to think of it, I told her, I am the only one of MY friends, too, who has both parents living!  The youngest of my sibs is in his mid 50's and the oldest, is in his upper 60's and for all of us to have our parents still around, is, well, amazing!!
    My dad commented the other day that he and my mom now have 10 GREAT grandchildren and one more on the way!!  Are you kidding me?!  My parents knew nothing about their own grandparents, not even their names!!  Then, their own parents, my grandparents, were all deceased by the time I was 12, so my memories of them are minimal.  How crazy is it that we mid-lifers still have our parents, which means that our own kids, who are all in their 30's and 40's, still have their grandparents, and vital ones at that??  My gosh!  If each generation continues to live so much longer than the ones before, get ready, kids!  I'm stickin' around till I'm 125!!  I know my son-in-law loves me, but even he might be thinking I've overstayed my welcome!  ha!
   Well, as my mother turns 89 on Friday, I wish her a very happy birthday, and many, many more, to be sure!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


1.  Has unbelievable, incredible skin!  I'm really thinking it might be due to the fact that she has always worn hats with brims!
2.  Rarely is seen wearing sunglasses.  Has the brim protected her from getting cataracts, also?
3.  Smiles so infrequently that when she actually does, it looks fake!  How sad is that?
4.  Wears THE most beautifully coordinated, brightly colored outfits with matching hat and (always)pearls (necklace, earrings, broach or all 3), but then why does she always carry THE ugliest black purse and wear ugly black heels?!  Those ladies-in-waiting have failed their queen!
5.  Has kept in great shape for all of her 86 years.  How?  Do you think she hops on the treadmill or elliptical?  Does she even own tennis shoes?  If so, are they also black?
6.  Shows so little emotion that I want to reach through the TV screen, shake her and say, "COME ON, LADY!!  Doesn't four days of celebrating YOU mean that your subjects deserve some kind of spontaneity, warmth or enthusiasm from you?  Even for one brief, shining moment??
7.  Is probably so upset with her husband that he messed up both Christmas and now her Diamond Jubilee celebration that she'll make him walk behind her from now on!
8.  Was a sweetheart in calling my mother everyday when they were both pregnant:  the Queen with Charles and my mum with me.  (I am one day older than Charlie).
9. Must be doing something right:  married for 64 years, on the throne for 60, has kids, grandkids and an entire country who respect and adore her.......HIP! HIP! HOORAY!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


1.  "It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone."
2.  "Don't go for looks; they can deceive.
      Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.
      Go for someone who makes you smile,
      Because it only takes a smile to make a dark day seem bright.
      Find the one that makes your heart smile."

Saturday, June 2, 2012


We all know that such a circle exists, but every so often, this fact dramatically hits us upside the head!  Two days ago, my niece gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.  Only a few hours later, the father of a good friend of mine, died.  One came into the world; one left it.  One has a lifetime to live (hopefully!) and one lived a lifetime.  Happysadtears.

About Me

Dallas, TX, United States
I am an educator and consultant, in the field of loss and grief. I love educating others, as well as learning from them, about life's little and big, happy and sad losses: marriage, divorce, moving away, losing one's health, aging gracefully.....or not......death of a loved one, a pet, a dream, children growing up and parents having to let go, etc. etc. Hopefully, you get the picture. Let's laugh, cry and learn together!